my business ([info]nikita) rakstīja,
@ 2003-10-14 19:55:00

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Reality show

you can call me through the rain
but if love is one-sided it slowly turns into pain

you can call me through the snow
it sounds too sweet, my dear, it sounds for me like a show

hey, the wind still blows
hey, too much reality shows

but when we’re safe in glory, there’s no time for cries and sorries
i will be there, no lying, though my singing bird is dying

hey, the wind still blows
hey, too much reality shows

they say red rose is a faith
i say – life’s too short to wait

what else can i say, i don’t know, i don’t know..
but i know, but i know, but i know – our river of love stops to flow

and when we’re safe in glory, there’s no time for cries and sorries
I will be there, no lying, though my singing bird is dying

hey, the wind still blows
hey, too much reality shows

vienk dieviiga dziesma...........

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2003-10-14 20:30 (saite)
nikitinjaaaa. . .zinko es gribeeju teikt. neko. nu labi, kaut ko gribeeju, bet aizmirsu. aa, nee, es gribeeju teikt, ka tu esi baigais jaukums. atcereejos ko gribeeju teikt. sajuutos baigaa. nu bet protams.

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2003-10-14 21:05 (saite)
:))))) nemaz necereeju, ka tu tieshaam lasi manu zhurnaalu, ja nu tiehsaam esi kaadreiz lasiijusi tad baigi sen, bet nu man pieraadijaas preteejais :))
ahhh :** buuu :*
/me sabuzhina nebuutiibu

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