Dzintra čoms ([info]mranarhs) rakstīja,
*United Kingdom: from 3 October 2020, due to a technical issue, COVID-19 cases from 24 September to 1 October will be reported by British authorities in the coming days.

On 2 October 2020, authorities in Ireland retrocorrected the total number of COVID-19 deaths leading to a negative value for the deaths reported on 3 October 2020.

From end of August 2020, Swedish authorities are performing daily data consolidation leading to data retro-corrections. From week 38, the Swedish Public Health Agency will update COVID-19 daily data four times per week on Tuesday–Friday. Hence, the cumulative figures and related outputs include cases and deaths from the previous 14 days with available data at the time of data collection.

As of 24 August 2020, Authorities in Luxembourg report COVID-19 cases and deaths from their resident population only. Therefore, the difference with the figure from 27 August is translated into a negative value for the cases and deaths reported on 28 August 2020

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