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@ 2023-02-02 16:05:00

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Reti sastopu jēdzīgus padomus karjerai un darbam, bet te John Evans bliež ļoti labi.

1: Act your way into a new way of thinking and being. You cannot wholly discover yourself by introspection because you need experimentation and feedback.

2: Stop trying to find your true self. You are, after all, seeking to pivot so focus your attention on which of your many possible selves you want to test and learn more about.

3: Allow yourself a transition period in which it is okay to oscillate between holding on and letting go. Better to live in the contradictions and explore options than to come to a premature or stultifying resolution.

4: Resist the temptation to start by making a big decision that will change everything in one fell swoop. Use a strategy of small wins, in which incremental gains lead you to more profound changes in the basic assumptions that define your work and life. Accept the crooked path.

5: Identify projects that can help you get a feel for a new line of work or style of working. Try to do these as extracurricular activities or parallel paths to begin with so that you can experiment seriously without making a commitment. After this, deliberately opt to use a new style of working to stretch yourself and seek out some feedback from those who excel in this new (to you) way of getting things done. Keep a journal to force you to notice and record changes as you go.

6: Don't just focus on the work. Find people who are what you want to be and who can provide support for the transition or pivot you want. But don't expect to find them in your same old social circles. Push into new ones.

7: Don't wait for a cataclysmic moment when all truth is revealed. Use everyday occurrences to find meaning in the changes you are going through. Practice telling and retelling your story. Over time, it will clarify. Your journaling will become your friend in this.

8: Step back. But not for too long.

9: Change happens in bursts and starts. There are times when you are open to big change and times when you are not. Seize opportunities.

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