Dzintra čoms ([info]mranarhs) rakstīja,
@ 2022-07-19 14:53:00

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After having ended the universal male conscription system in 2010, as well as deactivating conscription in peacetime, the conscription system was re-activated in 2017. Since 2018 both women and men are conscripted on equal terms. The motivation behind reactivating conscription was the need for personnel, as volunteer numbers proved to be insufficient to maintain the armed forces.

The Swedish defence forces are currently, planning for a 8,000 conscripts to serve per year. However, after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the defence forces stated that there is a need for significantly more than the current. In addition, figures from 2022, show that 79% of Swedes support in some form, an increase in the number of people who are conscripted. 47% of the respondeds said that the majority of 19/20 year-olds should perform conscription.

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