miss_digory ([info]miss_digory) rakstīja,
@ 2005-12-14 16:19:00

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Garastāvoklis: *raud*
Mūzika:My Chemical Romance- Ghost Of You.

Teh, dzejolis!
Sodien liela depresija, garlaiciba, nopietniba, nav pat verts apspriest, Matenes eksi uzrakstiju so dzejoli. Atkal visadi murgi par Freizeru un Liksiic sevi ar serkociniem censas dedzinat. Riebj!

Razor Child.

Hold it, and it slips through your fingers,
Like life, before you know it, everything's over,
Your inner child dies, you lose your sense
Of timing, noone's here, how can that be, this
Room was full of people just seconds ago,
Now we're all alone, and we can work out
Who is a real friend and who isn't, now
We can remember the time when we were
Supposed to be together, in a dream, the
Only dream I tried to make come true; you,
Now we can ponder, wonder how time has passed us by,
A week, two, three, a month, we still wonder,
We didn't really know, we didn't, make up excuses,
Admit it, tell me, that you never really realised
What " we " were about, denial isn't the way out,
I wish I'd known who you were, not so perfect after all,
I didn't know anything about you, save your name, it
Is not enough, it never was, the touch, the scent,
The voice, it never was yours, you look panic stricken,
Used to shouting and laughing, it's too quiet, just
You and me, and that is not what you wanted,
You said it yourself, I'm not the kind they go for,
There was me thinking you didn't want somebody who
Was just like everybody else, that you would take me,
The vanity, I see you staring, across the rows of the tables,
What's wrong, love, having second thoughts, I wish, hold it,
My inner child in another dream of mine, it won't slip through
Your fingers, I won't let it, I love the dream you.

Piedodiet, ka nav Latviski, btw. :(

Turpinu vardu un nozimju sarkastu.

Sai. 15. Istais vards- Simon. Patik Slipknot, ardities un sevi fiziski sapinat. Ir divkosigs melis. Kopa ar Veju. Pazistu gadu. Labakie draugi/ draudzenes- Mrs. Armstrong, Dzeimzs.

Bekija. 15. Istais vards- Rebecca. Patik zimet Manga stila bildes. Nepatik cilveki, kuri ir parak berniskigi un kaitinosi savam vecumam. Dievina The Rasmus. Labakie draugi/ draudzenes- draugos ar visiem.

Velak atkal turpinasu, jaskrien! Sovakar ar mammu ejam uz vienu uzvedumu, varbut tad domas nemaisisies tikai ap Liksii un Freizeru, moska, varbut ari ne.

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2008-10-09 06:09 (saite)
Hi everyone.








(http://www.lilos.fcpages.com/anal369.html) Great site.

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