302cc9b4780f8cbef6f70c3a8417913050b6aafb ([info]mindbound) rakstīja,
Nootropics and stimulants are tools, most of which I wouldn't use if I lived a life of leisure, intellectually or otherwise.

Internet, in this day and age, is a de facto essential necessity (and is in the process of being recognised as such also de jure) and it's up to me how and for what purposes I use it. I don't think much of my time is spent looking up and/or writing useless stuff, my days are too densely packed for lolcats and yellow press.

Finally, and I believe I have said this before, OP is not about aspiring to asceticism.

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( )Anonīms- ehh.. šitajam cibiņam netīk anonīmie, nesanāks.
(komentārs tiks paslēpts, ja vien neesi šitā cibiņa draudziņš)
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