Human is the awkward liminal phase between animal and machine

May 28th, 2015


Functional programmer: (noun) One who names variables “x”, lists of variables “xs”, functions “fx”, and code patterns “Kleisli arrow”, “generalised catamorphism”, “natural transformation”, and “monad” (which is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors of some X, with product replaced by composition of endofunctors and unit set by the identity endofunctor). ‪#‎HaHaOnlySerious‬

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State: working
Sound: Autoclav1.1 - Embark On Departure: Lights Out



Tags: , ,
State: working
Sound: The Beauty Of Gemina - At The End Of The Sea: In Silence


Contrast and compare.

Tags: ,
State: awake
Sound: Headscan - Pattern Recognition: Carnal Knowledge


Pirmo reizi izdevies veikt pilnu ilgtermiņa atmiņas supresijas un atjaunošanas ciklu, izmantojot kombinētu intracerebrāla anizomicīna (-) un optoģenētiskas hipokampa engrammu stimulācijas (+) akciju.

Tags: ,
State: awake
Sound: Xmal Deutschland - Tocsin: Mondlight
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