Es domaaju, ka aborts ir ljauns greeks. Bet kaa vienmeer, cilveekam ir jaabuut iespeejai briivi greekot. Dievs atljauj cilveekam greekot; cilveeks cilveekam to nevar aizliegt.. Bet arii var jo Dievs arii to laikam atljauj.
51 atziņas | teikt
In response, Northam said that a baby born alive could be “kept comfortable” and then “resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired” – the implication being that the baby could be left to die if the family decided they did not want to keep their child.
“In this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” Northam said. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”