01 June 2023 @ 12:12 pm
Oh God.. es izlasīju šo citātu un man aizritinājās domu virknīte pa taisno in the doomiest of scenario outlooks. Bet, protams, papiņ! Dieva nāve, postmodernie, ego kults un new age bumbu tripošana.

Cilvēki ir maniakāli apsēsti ar visām šīm wack un bad psychedelic kustībām, dēļ saviem ego! It is a pure, concise question of ego, and what will reflect my divine (..not, but satanic of course, es jums saku) ego in most elaborate way.

Es jau zinu, ka to visi zina, bet man tas tiešām tikai tikko pieleca tik kristālskaidri.

Tā, kā tagad katrs cilvēks pats ir dievs, tad inherently - Dievu pārpratuši, šie nekrietnie psihie dieviņi, plikie karaļi, pilnīgi sirdīgi un nopietni uzskata, ka tas ir viņu vitālais un izšķirošais pienākums prīčot un atalgot un sodīt veidos kādus viņi izfantazē par adekvātiem. And all because they are scared to perish into the black void of no God or love. Aptuveni, kā padoties sātana opkupācijai, lai Dieva nāves okupācija nepazudina.


If you want to know how pathalogically engorged someone's ego is - see how woke they are. The less woke, the helthier your ego probably is.

"We no longer know how to think critically. Subjectivity and nihilism rule supreme: the deranged, post-modernist woke cargo cult claims that there no longer is truth, just our truths. Ideas are at best positional goods, fashion statements and markers of social hierarchy, and at worst tools of oppression. Words are devoid of any essential meaning: expressing “righthink” signals high status (even if the opinion is nonsense, such as the claim that China had nothing to do with Covid) and “wrongthink” (such as support for Brexit) implies low-status."
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gnidrologs[info]gnidrologs on June 1st, 2023 - 04:35 pm
Vari necensties neko skaidrot entitātei augšā. Ja nu vienīgi kā entertainment for urself. Šī būtība pārstāv kastu vai spēku, if you will,par kuru runāju iepriekšējā tava ieraksta komentā.
They donn't care. They dont dabate you. They are here to deceive and confuse. Doubt yourself. Doubt God, doubt truth, doubt good. That's their sole goal. Tici vai netici, bet es Zinu.
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ctulhu[info]ctulhu on June 1st, 2023 - 04:46 pm
Re: Drozofilas
Best regards from lizard people :)
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[info]methodrone on June 1st, 2023 - 07:01 pm
Re: Drozofilas
I know, it is pure entertainment for me indeed :D I know it's silly..
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