Buildering actually has quite a long history and dates back to the early 1900s when Harry H. "The Human Fly" Gardiner climbed over seven hundred buildings in Europe and North America. He was the first recorded urban climber and never used any sort of climbing gear. In fact, he climbed in his street clothes and tennis shoes. There were several notable builderers after Gardiner's time including Alain Robert. Considered the "Real-life Spiderman," Robert climbed the Golden Gate Bridge, The Empire State Building, the Sears Tower and the Petronas Towers in Malaysia.
The biggest draw of buildering is also its biggest drawback: Buildering almost always is illegal, so you should check to make sure it is not before you try it in Texas or anywhere else. And it won't win you any popularity contests. Cops don't like you; landlords don't like you; most people think you're, at best, unusual and, at worst, crazy.
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