Kulta figūra ([info]melora) rakstīja,
@ 2004-10-25 10:48:00

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I ask for so little. Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave.

(c) Labyrinth

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2004-10-25 12:13 (saite)
Viena no labākajām filmām. Un skatoties, saproti, ka ir lietas, kas nemainās.

How you turned my world you precious thing,
Every thing I've done, I've done for you,
I moved stars for noone.
You've run so long, you ran so fast,
You're eyes can be so cruel,
Just as I can be so cruel.
Thou I do believe in you, Yes I do.
Live without your sunlight,
Love without your hearbeat.
No, I can't live within you.

(c) Labyrinth

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