Chloroform Sauna ([info]martcore) rakstīja,
@ 2012-06-28 09:46:00

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studējam lielbritānijas kultūru kopā ar half man half biscuit
arī dunduks var palasīties un rasbainieks drusku arī
bet man ir jautājums brūkinga k-gam

He’s sitting on a so-called Soccer Sofa
On a Saturday morning
Having the so-called banter with the Preston
Touching base with fellow guest Heston
How cool does he appear?
And how cool is his career?
He’s gonna talk about his songs
And his favourite footy teams
That’s England, Chelsea, Accy Stanley
“And all the band love watching Barca” 


But then, disastrously
They ask him casually
“You come from Leigh-On-Sea,
Do you ever get to Roots Hall?”
Which to him means fuck all
Can only look askance
And cast a sideways glance
Could use some help with this
But Heston’s gone for a piss
Need something to deflect
Enter Ruddock left
“More doughnuts” shout the crew
High art shall not ensue
Here, today, in this place
And our hapless singer’s band
Has just gone moribund
Stay tuned, following the break
Crazy Razor gonna get him in a headlock
Crazy Razor headlock

Rock and roll is full of bad wools
Rock and roll is full of bad wools
Rock and roll is full of bad wools
Rock and roll is full of bad wools


tu vari man paskaidrot rindiņu par crazy razor? (skauzeru jēdzienu "bad wools" es studēju kādu stundu, cilvēki internetā pilnīgi atklātās vēstules raksta par tēmu un tā)

interesentiem pati dziesma, kļova, dramatiska un pareiza

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