tifareta ieraksts atgādināja, ka
"agora", protams, ir laba filma par labu tēmu, taču kaut kā ne pārāk kinošnijs tas viss stāsts
režisora vietā es būtu uzreiz ķēries pie
tahiri (manis spēcīgi cienīta reliģioza sieviete 19.gs. persijā)
Picture in your mind one of the most beautiful young women in Iran, a
genius, a poet, the most learned scholar of the Quran and the
traditions; think of her as the daughter of a jurist family of letters,
daughter of the greatest high priest of her province and very rich,
enjoying high rank, living in an artistic palace, and distinguished
among her...friends for her boundless, immeasurable courage. Picture
what it must mean for a young woman like this, still in her twenties, to
arise as the first woman disciple of [the Báb]. A Qajar chronicler
wrote that he was stunned by her beauty describing her "body like a
peacock of Paradise",[3] and that she had nine husbands (later changed
to ninety). (...)
Many of the Bábís participating in the conference supported a rather
conservative view on Bábism, viewing it as an offshoot of the Shaykhí
school of thought not a religion in its own right. Táhirih, however, advocated for a radical break with Islam.
As an act of symbolism, she took off her traditional veil in front of
an assemblage of men. The unveiling caused shock and consternation
amongst the males present. Prior to this, many had regarded Táhirih as
the epitome of purity and the spiritual return of Fatima Zahra, the daughter of the prophet Muhammad.
Many screamed in horror at the sight, and one man was so horrified that
he cut his own throat and, with blood pouring from his neck, fled the
scene. lūk, to es saprotu
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