martcore kompilē tādus skaņdarbus, kādi viņam iet pie sirds

atpakaļ ēterā! izmantojot momentu vēlos pasveicināt citus cilvēkus, kas izmanto momentu! drāz zirgu, drāz jenotu!
Hindi Rock Is Dead, Vol 8, 25 songs to work for, 164 megakrācieni
01 Scattertape - Shelving A Tempered String [2010, Mille Plateaux]
02 The Subways - It's A Party [2011, Cooking Vinyl]
03 Poni Hoax- I Shall Take It Anyway [2006, Tigersushi]
04 Sun Glitters - The Wind Caresses Her Hair [2011, s/r]
05 The Very Best - Mama [2011, MYYM]
06 Rose Hill Drive - Telepathic [2011, Slow And Shirley]
07 Cant - Bericht [2011, Transdreamer]
08 Hillstomp - You Done Told Everybody [2005, Fuzzmonster]
09 Young Michelin - Elle Et Moi [2011, Dufflecoat]
10 Minutemen - If Reagan Played Disco [1998, SST]
11 Still Corners - Circulars [2011, Sub Pop]
12 Divorce - Love Attack [2011, Night School]
13 Max Tannone - Dem Back [2011, s/r]
14 Neko Case - The Needle Has Landed [2006, ANTI]
15 Balkans - Edita V [2011, Double Phantom]
16 Silent Servant And Kalon - Violencia [2008, Sandwell District]
17 Chris Bathgate - Do Whats Easy [2011, Tangled Up]
18 The Chinese Stars - The Fastest Horse Yet [2003, Skin Graft]
19 Pop At Summer - Hello [2011, Dufflecoat]
20 Lone - Moon Beam Harp [2010, Magic Wire]
21 Jaya The Cat- Shit Jobs For Rock [2002, 4Tune]
22 Pama International - Happenstance [2009, Rockers Revolt]
23 The Movements - You´re alone [2011, Teen Sound]
24 Jun Mayuzumi - Black Room [1968, Capitol]
25 The Ultimatemost High - Killer Wolf [???]