palasīju nedaudz žurnālistiku par savas mīļākās mūsdienu rokgrupas pirmajiem soļiem
guardiana mūzikas apskatnieks pols lesters dedzina ar kaut kādu napalmu, tur, guardianā, viņiem ar šo tēmu vienmēr ir tik slikti, vai kā
METZ are post-hardcore (??? - mēs ar šo terminu nedaudz kaut ko citu saprotam, tur slintu, etc, kas te vispār ņipričom), and we say that without much knowledge of developments in that area since, well, hardcore.
Have there been a spate of bands since Big Black who have taken Big
Black to the next level? Our impression was that Big Black were so
ultimate, everyone pretty much gave up. (žanrs vārdsakot beidzās 1987.gadā, kad inokentijs mārpls sāka spēlē hardcore?)
And as for the electric guitar, our understanding of it is that,
Pantera and Slayer and their ilk took it as far it would go in one
direction, and My Bloody Valentine and Sonic Youth took it right out
there to the other furthest sonic extreme, and that since then – since
circa the early 90s, funnily enough – nothing truly substantial has
changed.(tie ir hārdkora tradīciju turpinātāji, es tā saprotu)
We assumed all the radical adventurous work had been in hip-hop and dubstep.(bļģ)
atlikušajā gadā taču noteikti būs jānoskatās kaut kas no eldara rjazanova, tas šoreiz ir pilnīgi obligāti artēmijs ļebedevs raksta ja pamēģina saskaitīt kopā, tad cibā ir viens teātra aktieris un divas aktrises firmino šāda spēlē kaut kā ne īpaši |