Chloroform Sauna
.:..:.:.:: .:.::

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Atkāpties 24. Oktobris 2014 Doties uzbrukumā
gud nait evrīvan


Pulling the ice axe from my leg
I staggered on
Spindrift stinging my remaining eye

I finally managed to reach the station
Only to find that the bus replacement service had broken down

After wondering to myself whether or not it should actually be called a train replacement service
I walked out onto the concourse and noticed the giant screen seemed to have been tampered with
Probably by a junior employee
Disgruntled commuters were being regaled with some dismal TVM
Involving a tug-of-love-custody-battle
Stockard Channing held sway

Down in the High Street somebody careered out of Boots without due care or attention
I suggest that they learn some pedestrian etiquette
i.e sidle out of the store gingerly
Embrace the margin

Fat kids with sausage rolls
Poor sods conducting polls

There’s a man with a mullet going mad with a mallet in Millets

I try to put everything into perspective
Set it against the scale of human suffering
And I thought of the Mugabe government
And the children of the Calcutta railways
This works for a while
But then I encounter Primark FM
Overhead a rainbow appears
In black and white

Shite Day
I guess this must be National Shite Day
This surely must be National Shite Day
Don’t tell me, it’s National Shite Day

Float… float on
Float… float on
Barry… Herpes

I got a letter from Stringy Bob:
“Still on suicide watch
Screws not happy
Spotted a marsh fritillary during association
Was roundly ignored
What news you?”
I felt sorry for him
He’d only been locked up for public nuisance offences
One of which saw him beachcombing the Dee Estuary
Found a dead wading bird
Took it home, parcelled it up, and sent it off to the rubber-faced irritant Phil Cool
With a note inside which read: “Is this your sanderling?”

Another time saw him answering an advert in the music press
“Keyboard player required: Doors, Floyd, etc.
Must be committed, no time wasters”
You can guess the rest

I’d always imagined he would simply wander off some day into the hills
To be found months later
His carcass stripped by homeless dogs
His exposed skull a perch for the quartering crow

I folded away the letter and put it in my inside pocket
All of a sudden I felt brushed by the wings of something dark
May the Lord have mercy on Stringy Bob

Shite Day
I do believe it’s National Shite Day
It all points to National Shite Day
Someone’s declared it National Shite Day

Shite Day
My birthday! On National Shite Day
No bogroll, it’s National Shite Day
Cue drumroll, it’s National Shite Day

vot kāpēc no visas ģeometrijas (laikam par labu konveijeram) ir izvēlēts termins "produktu līnija"
a kur labi būtu - labdien, mēs vēlamies jums piedāvāt savu jaunāko produktu līkni!
tajā uzreiz ir kaut kāds stāsts

cibā ir kādreiz nopietni apspriesti ģenētiski modificētie augi un dārzeņi visādi
es tam vispār nepievēršu uzmanību
bet jūtu, starp mums ir pilsoņi, kas pieturas pie uzskatiem, ka ģmo satur tādus ķīmiskos elementus, pēc kuriem cilvēks paliek akls un sāk dročīt izstarojot radiāciju, nu vai kaut kas tāds
pastāstiet pointu
un kur ir ģmo radītie kancerogēnie humānie līķi n shit

šī brīnišķīgā sajūta, kad ar vienu aci lūri ekrānā, ar vienu ausi klausies skaņā no kastes, pieliec klāt roku bloka ventilatoram, un uz visām šīm asīm un koordinātēm pēkšņi instinktīvi saproti, ka videokartei, bļ, ir laikam atkal kāds no tranzistoriem nodedzis

teiksim, ja es būtu reliģiozs cilvēks, es teiktu, ka visas radītās lietas pasaulē ir reizē gan labas, gan nē

vot, paskatieties

ūdens, kas ir radikāli nepieciešams mūsu civilizācijai, bet kas var gemdēt kuģus un iznīcināt piekrastes pilsētas
gaiss, ko mēs elpojam, vētras, orkāni un tornado
augstie kalni, par kuriem vieni sajūsminas, bet citiem alpīnistiem tas paņem dzīvības tupa ziņkāres dēļ. lavīnu sekās klaiņojošie sanbernāri ar haskijiem.
ūdens, par kuru mēs pat nezinam ,kas notiek tā dzīlēs, marianas dziļvagā un čelendžera dzelmē

cik tālu sniedzas cilvēka brīvā grinba un ticība saviem spēkiem

no videomateriāliem pēdējās dienās visahujennākais ir lamelas gols

[es viņu skatos komplektā ar grupas burial albumu untrue]

un vēl 2 dziesmas par mīlestību


Atkāpties 24. Oktobris 2014 Doties uzbrukumā