| Tepiķu Andrievs (mazheks) rakstīja, |
es par scenāriju runāju, nevis par spēli....
August 2008
""Welcome to Tbilisi, gentlemen -- I hope you got some shuteye on the
flight from Bragg, because now that we're here we've got a lot of
work to do.
"Here's the situation: We've been deployed at the request of the
Georgian government to help them deal with rebels on their Russian
border. Our area of operations will be the South Ossetian Autonomous
region -- 1500 square miles of small villages and rugged
backcountry. The Ossetians have been skirmishing with the Georgian
army for years, but lately the attacks have escalated to the verge
of all-out war. Washington thinks that the Russians have engineered
the current flare-up as an excuse to step in and annex the whole
region. Our job is to cut the legs out from under the revolution
before that can happen. "
"Word just came down from HQ, gentlemen. We have official
confirmation that at 0600 hours three Russian armored divisions
crossed the border and linked up with the rebel forces in the north.
The Russian foreign minister has issued a statement condemning
"international meddling in regional affairs." Looks like we've got
ourselves a full-scale international incident.
"For now the U.S. is still backing the legitimate Georgian
government. Our orders are, quote, "to aid the Georgian army's
defensive operations in any way practical." Short and sweet that
means we've got the green light to blow stuff up. "
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