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"Arsenal" treneris Arsēns Vengers
"Wenger claimed the third-minute tackle which broke Eduardo's leg and earned Taylor a red card was "horrendous".
But later on Saturday Wenger said: "I feel that my comments about Martin Taylor were excessive. I said what I did in the heat of the moment.
"It was a highly emotional afternoon and we were all shocked by the injury."
BBC apskatnieks Alans Hansens
It is a horrific injury but I think what you've got to understand first is that Taylor's not run 15, 20 yards and jumped in with two feet.
es skatījos momenta atkārtojumus, un tas tiešām nebija tīši
ir čuvaki, kas patiešām tīši mauc kājās, kā slaveni bēdīgais marko materaci vai tedijs sevidžs
šeit ir - stulbi sanāca
tas neattaisno, bet es zinu, ka birmingemas kapteinis nav pimpis. es biju ļoti pārsteigts vispār par to, ka viņš salauza eduardo.
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