Tagi weblapā. 
8.-Okt-2006 10:28 pm
Gribas ieviest tegus, kā te, Cibā. Tas ļautu lokani pasniegt saturu lasītājiem, jo pašlaik viss ir piesiets pie ģeogrāfiskā principa. Ja rakstu kļūs daudz - tad drīz būs grūti orientēties... Tagi būtu labs risinājums - viena grupa - valstis, otra grupa - gadsimti, trešā grupa - tēmas, kā arheoloģija, socioloģija, statistika utt...
Bet nav brīvu risinājumu Joomlai :( Pašam uzrakstīt - nav man tādu prasmju, bet maksāt 22,50 GBP par Joomla Tag/Tags kaut kā nevelk. Jo nav jau pārliecības, ka strādās risinājums.
Jādomā vēl...
8.-Okt-2006 11:15 pm
Joomla Tag V.0.6 NULLED by DGT Options
superminator Sep 22 2006, 04:17 PM
Post #1


Group: Moderators
Posts: 29
Joined: 14-September 06
Member No.: 21

ş Script name : Tag v0.6
ş Supplied by : DGT
ş Nullified by : DGT
ş Tested by : DGT
ş Release date : 03-07-2006
ş Release type : PHP/MySQL
ş Price : GBP£ 22.50
ş Under music : silence smile.gif

Tags, the component integrates with the Joomla Content Editor and
provides an additional tab where the images tab is (when editing content).
On this additional tab you can select the tags you want to assign to the
content item (Or add new tags). One an Item is tagged it is instantly
available to the end user when he clicks on the tag name on the front end.
There is also a mambot that places the tags into the content (You can even
specify where the tags show and how they show with the use of Simple
Templates!) We even have a module that displays all the tags like a menu -
thus giving you muliple options on how to link your content together.


tiesa rapidshaare protams ta faila viars nava :) bet moshka ir pavediens kur mekleet...
8.-Okt-2006 11:23 pm
ispamoshu veelvienu :)

J!Tags automatically adds a tags to the end of your content. Tags links to Technorati. The tags are created from the metakeywords for the content item. They are also Technorati ready. Start getting picked up by Technorati or just use the tags to categorize your posts. Either way works.
8.-Okt-2006 11:26 pm
8.-Okt-2006 11:32 pm
Nea, tas Tags links to Technorati - tas nav tas, ko meklēju.
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