madis ([info]madevil) rakstīja,
@ 2003-10-07 13:35:00

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Mūzika:Technical Itch - Killa Bites 2 CD 2

how much do british hate french people :D
D-VO-FI-NT - Still jobless says:
I hate the French, I really do
Mad Evil says:

Mad Evil says:
Faith-|-Forbidden Snowflake-|-Another love I would abuse, no circomstances could excuseœ says:

D-VO-FI-NT - Still jobless says:
I cant stand the country and I have NO intention of going back
Mad Evil says:
why's that ?
D-VO-FI-NT - Still jobless says:
Mad Evil says:
hmmm aaaand
D-VO-FI-NT - Still jobless says:
Bastard coward yellow belly tossers
Mad Evil says:
to tell u the truth about those belgian ppl ....
Mad Evil says:

D-VO-FI-NT - Still jobless says:
Stupid language
D-VO-FI-NT - Still jobless says:
And food
D-VO-FI-NT - Still jobless says:
I hate France
D-VO-FI-NT - Still jobless says:
Die France DIE!
D-VO-FI-NT - Still jobless says:

Mad Evil says:
Mad Evil says:
Mad Evil says:
that's the spirit
Faith-|-Forbidden Snowflake-|-Another love I would abuse, no circomstances could excuseœ says:

D-VO-FI-NT - Still jobless says:

D-VO-FI-NT - Still jobless says:
Seriously, you guys have it easy, we have a bloody tunnel that goes to France! Its horrid!
D-VO-FI-NT - Still jobless says:
Destroy the tunnel!
D-VO-FI-NT - Still jobless says:
If we all team up maybe we could invade them

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2003-10-09 14:46 (saite)
khe khe

btw. sanjeemi manu sms... vai dabuji ko prasiju... ?

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2003-10-09 15:31 (saite)
atrast makroooomeediju atradu bet netieku klaat
a tas dimu borgirz nau manaa horizontaa ;(

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

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