madis ([info]madevil) rakstīja,
@ 2006-01-11 09:20:00

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Mūzika:The Rock OST

"tha hell Intel chip is doing in a Mac ? A whole more than it's ever done in a PC" bljaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)
bet nu ceru, ka vismaz shii teksta autors dabuuja ko pie algas (vai vismaz preemiju), jo taa liinija SO iesit pa olaam :D
manupraat ljoti aspraatiigi at the same time
un tas "4x aatraaks PowerBookPro like u never seen before..." ir maz ticams, lai neteiktu *cough*  *cough* bullshit

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2006-01-11 09:59 (saite)
Eerrr, since when tu postē par makiem un since when do you care about some marketing line? And ko nozīmē "maz ticams"? So you're the mac expert now then? :)

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2006-01-11 10:12 (saite)
nee, neesmu EKSPERTS, bet gribu gan redzeet aparaatu kura "naakoshaa paaudze" or call it what u will ir 4reiz aatraaks kaa jebkas cits :D
vienkaarshi ienjirdzu vakar lasot. bet nu tas jau tieshi taapat, kaa geimu devi runaa par "our new ...level beyond anything else out there right now"

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