Lord Andrey de Initio ([info]lord_andrey) rakstīja,
@ 2003-07-29 22:37:00

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Mūzika:Black Sabbath - Evil Woman

The Cook the Thief His Wife & Her Lover
tikko noskatījos Grīnveja The Cook the Thief His Wife & Her Lover... unikāls gabals... pat manai šizofrēniskajai dvēselei bija par smagu... domāju, ka [info]andux spētu novērtēt... sevišķi beigas bija labas... tikai man šī filma ļoti atgādināja Clockwork Orange...

Georgina: Try the cock, Albert. It's a delicacy, and you know where it's been.

Albert: What you've got to realize is that the clever cook puts unlikely things together, like duck and orange, like pineapple and ham. It's called 'artistry'. You know, I am an artist the way I combine my business and my pleasure: Money's my business, eating's my pleasure and Georgie's my pleasure, too, though in a more private kind of way than stuffing the mouth and feeding the sewers, though the pleasures are related because the naughty bits and the dirty bits are so close together that it just goes to show how eating and sex are related. Georgie's naughty bits are nicely related, aren't they, Georgie?

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2003-07-30 00:00 (saite)
noskaties gan, šī ir no tām filmām, kuras ir jāredz... kaut ko pretīgāku, bet labāku žanrā grūti iedomāties...

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