burvīga filma... burvīgi piemeklēta mūzika... kopā sanāk kaut kas brīnišķīgs... citādi jau apnicis, kad labās filmās ir absolūti tizla mūzika... vai nu pilnīgi salkana vai arī pārāk mūsdienīga... sen nav gadījies redzēt, kad filmas saspringtākajos momentos skan vieglas skotu/īru un Amerikas pionieru laiku melodijas.... tik pozitīva mūzika šādos brīžos dod ne sliktāku efektu, kā klasiskā šausmu filmu mūzika... varbūt pat labāku, jo skatītāju nomierina un nesagatavo tam, kas tūlīt tiks parādīts...
Colonel Hart: It's lonely being a cannibal. Tough making friends.
Ives: If you die first, I am definitely going to eat you, but the question is, if I die, what are you going to do? Bon appétit... Eat or die.
Ives: [takes a big breath of smoke] You know, not too long ago I couldn't do that. Could barely take a breath without coughing up a pint of blood. Tuberculosis. That along with fierce headaches... depression... suicidal ambition. I was in pretty horrible shape. In fact I was on my way to a sanatorium to convalesce when a native scout told me a curious story. Man eats the flesh of another, he takes the other man's strength, absorbs his spirit. Well. Naturally I just had to try. Consequently I ate the scout first and you know he was absolutely right. I grew stronger. Tuberculosis? Vanished. As did the headaches and the black thoughts. I returned that spring happy. And healthy. And virile...
Knox: What ya cookin' there?
Ives: It's, uhm, stew.
Knox: Need 'ny help?
Ives: No thank you, but perhaps later you may... *eyes Knox* contribute.
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