mizantropei наплевать ([info]ledene_) rakstīja,
@ 2007-02-02 23:49:00

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His body groaned against mine and I felt the first stab into my pelvis. My flesh had turned into rigid plastic, trying its best to absorb the shocks of his pummeling but would eventually break in half. I noticed as he shredded my clothes with his seemingly massive hands, to get a better view of the humps that made up my bare chest, that he was warm almost sweltering. The heat he produced was intoxicating, a lustful man that wreaked of sweat and whisky, I could feel the perspiration ooze out of his pores, from the line of hair bordering his face (as I felt when he ravished my cold, white rigid skin with his hot mouth) to the near flaccid member that was sloppily thrust into me. My body seized on me and I could not move, I could not scream, I could not beg him to stop. To say that it was agony was unfair, the pain of my groin eventually numbed away. Horrific is what I would use to describe it.

This is where I lost track of time. When something so terrible happens time blends together, I could not tell if he had been using me since the beginning of time or if it was just a mere moment that would be over in a blink of an eye. My brained lurched and things seemed slightly warbled. What was I doing before this? I tried to justify his actions with a stupid proceeding of my own. Sleeping. No. Before that. My minded seemed to tunnel through to earlier. I had locked the door. I set down to read a book. I fell asleep on the couch. John hadn’t come home yet…

It was becoming difficult to concentrate. After what seemed an eternity, the jolting subsided into a light tremor and his disgusting genitals spasmed against mine. I suppose he was finished. Finished with me. Finished with his grotesque little sex circus. I laid there stiff and sore, to frightened to move. He pawed at my skin once more before he rolled off, my body involuntarily recoiled as he gave a tug to his hips, pulling out of my…slandered vagina.

He mumbled something and paused. He stood up. I continued to lay there. My wish was that he would have forgotten about me in his stupor as he pillaged my house, or whatever reason he broke in. He moved slowly. I was silent and still. I tried to focus my eyes on where I thought his form might be. Suddenly the lights flashed on and I was faced with the figure of my husband’s back.

He spoke softly, slurred, “C’mon, lets go to bed.”

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