labils ([info]labils) rakstīja,
@ 2010-07-08 13:47:00

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Conacy Laker, 25, who lives in Gulu, finds it hard to look anyone in the eye after members of the Lord's Resistance Army cut off her nose, ears and top lip more than a decade ago.

30/01/1974: Anna, an innocent woman, whose upper lip was pulled with a pair of pliers, and hacked off with a rusty bayonet by terrorists.

(Ierakstīt jaunu komentāru)

2010-07-08 15:01 (saite)
hansam falladam ir grāmata "dzērājs", tur galvenajam varonim nokož degunu, man vienmēr bija interesējis, kā tas izskatās

bet nu šis ir skumjš stāsts

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2010-07-08 15:26 (saite)
sto pudova bija izpelnījušās

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