Kriptofašists ([info]kriptofashists) rakstīja,
@ 2021-12-22 14:56:00

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Dec 22 14:55[info]gnidrolohs:
(((šarikovi))) bļe
Dec 22 14:53[info]dabairspoki:
Manā istabā dzīvo spoks, kas zog vissmukākās šķiltavas un pa vienai zeķei. Pagājušonakt piedzīvoju visai baisu astrālo sapni, no kura nespēju pamosties. Tos spokus vajag beidzot pārmācīt! Nu, vai sadraudzēties, lai piesargā visus svarīgos artefaktus no garāmskrienošu goblinu ordām.
(un arī tu esi goblins. Pūķis, kas žmiedz asti kājstarpē? Pat āzim jāsmejas!)
Dec 22 14:44[info]gnidrologs:
kad pašam nav jādzīvo pasaulē "bez ieročiem", kuru esi palīdzējis radīt
Chaos in Bengtsfors - 30 or so knife-armed people collide in a big fight in the city center
14 November 2021 at 17.00
Wild fights between what SR describes as "two groups" broke out during the night until Sunday. At least about 30 individuals were beaten with knives and iron pipes. Despite the large number of combatants, the police have reportedly not arrested any of the perpetrators.
The police were alerted to Storgatan at 21:25 that a riot had broken out. Once in place, the quarrel is largely said to have been overplayed and no one was arrested, despite the fact that a majority of those involved are said to have been armed.
- "There has been a quarrel between two groups with about thirty involved in total, and there have been both knives and iron pipes involved, says Peter Adlersson", press spokesperson at the police in Västra Götaland to Expressen.
Bengstfors residents lose confidence in the judiciary
Instead of arresting the perpetrators, the police chose to receive reports, including one for aggravated assault, four for assault and two reports of vandalism. A number of cars are said to have been vandalized during the riot. The injury situation among the participants is unclear, but no one should have needed an ambulance to the hospital.
- "It is something that has triggered it, it has been uneasy the day before this case. So they have gathered the forces and then it became a bigger quarrel, says Peter Adlersson", press spokesperson at the police in Västra Götaland to Aftonbladet.
Adlersson states that parts of the process have been filmed and that the police will now go through the material.
Many in Bengtsfors have recently lost faith in the judiciary. Earlier this year, the police arrested three men after they took the law into their own hands and abused a well-known lifestyle criminal man in society, something Samnytt noticed.
The "Citizens' Guard" initiative was appreciated by many locals. A fundraiser was started on Facebook to contribute to lost earnings for the three men. The goal was to collect SEK 30,000 to share. The total amount ended up at a total of SEK 163,100.

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