kraist ([info]kraist) rakstīja,
@ 2007-11-28 00:06:00

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Garastāvoklis: ecstatic
Mūzika:Nickleback - into the night

I's nice to be home. At least here you can see real snow ^_^ not that shit what is at Riga.
Three weeks called wolf at last arrived. I don't have bean sick for three years and finally it has come to me too. But when I got it I don't know what to do to laugh or cry. Yes I got free weak but is it worth it? That another question . We will see if I will relax or not, from every days work, school. Surely I will miss every weeks PB but will have to live with that.
Heh Peace and quiet. ^_^

The top 3 songs form me. Nicklback - into the night, Puddle of mudd - Spin you around, Puddle of mudd - Mary-go-Round

What life dose to the people in one moment you listen to Hevy metal in some days already you listen to Lyric hevy metal :D

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2007-11-28 12:07 (saite)
Hmmm aks tad atkal nepatiik?
Ko tad atkal pateicis, labi šajā gadiijumā uzrakstijis atkal nepareizi esmu :D

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