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@ 2019-08-09 13:31:00

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Garastāvoklis: chipper
Mūzika:auslander by rammstein


recently i have been traveling quite a lot (first to france, monaco, andorra and spain with mum and then to london with a few friends). i do not want to write anything about the sights we saw, just want to put down some emotions. before going to london i had met one of the girls (luna's friend from art school) only once, so i was not sure how it would be, spending a whole week with basically a stranger, but it turned out way better than expected. turns out we both have a similar sense of humour, we both are interested in architecture and other things, so i feel like i tested my social skills and they turned out to be better than i thought. we discussed many deep and not so deep things and it was just a blast. while in london we also met up with a local british guy for some drinks and the evening/night ended up with all of use climbing over a fence to get inside a closed park...yup. i am just so fucking glad i did not throw up because i had quite a lot to drink. the guy was waaay too nice (not in a bad way), it was such a pleasant surprise. i think talking to him gave me a lot more confidence in both my english conversational skills and in my looks as well (meaning that i have become more confident in expressing myself the way i want to). the next day after coming back from london me, luna and my other best mate met up with a classmate i personally had not seen in a bit over 3 years. he moved to the uk after 9th grade and he happened to be in latvia for one more day, so he could meet us three. it was a fucking blast, i had forgotten how funny and overall cool he was. he gave me a lot of tips for living in the uk and also told me to connect him when i move there. apparently he lives a 2 hours drive from me, so technically we could meet up at some point? we shall see. he had grown taller, he had cool ass black clothes and his voice had gotten deeper which threw me off at first :D just because i was not expecting it. what i am trying to say with this post is that one should sometimes take a few risks and just see how it turns out, because for me all these three new interactions i had turned out amazing, and i am so glad for that. being abroad without supervision also gave me confidence that i so badly need for moving. i had the best flight in my life when i was flying back to latvia, and i kind of teared up when we landed, because it felt surreal, it felt like the way it might be when i finally come home after 9 months in reading. that sentence was a mess but whatever. i bought myself so many cool things in london (including 8 small books...do not judge me pls) and i am so happy with all of them. i also got stuff for my sister, mum, dad and a couple friends. yesterday i went out for a walk with my sister and we discussed the possibility of her flying to london alone in winter to meet me (she is currently 14) and she said she could actually try and that she is not even that anxious about it, so it is great. the last thing - i got an e-mail which said that by conditional offer for a place at reading has been changed to unconditional, meaning i am now officially a student at the university of reading. absolutely cannot believe this. that is it for now, bye sisturs

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