klints ([info]klints) rakstīja,
@ 2004-03-02 11:13:00

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Mana personiiba un mana karjera profesionaalo psihologu veerteejumaa =)
Extroverted (E) 64.86% Introverted (I) 35.14%
Imaginative (N) 52.5% Realistic (S) 47.5%
Emotional (F) 52.63% Intellectual (T) 47.37%
Easygoing (P) 50% Organized (J) 50%

Your type is: ENFP

You are an Inspirer, possible professions include - conference planner, speech pathologist, HR development trainer, ombudsman, clergy, journalist, newscaster, career counselor, housing director, character actor, marketing consultant, musician/composer, artist, information-graphics designer, human resource manager, merchandise planner, advertising account manager, dietitian/nutritionist, speech pathologist, massage therapist, editor/art director.

Extroverted |||||||||||||||||||| 84%
Introverted |||| 16%
Friendly |||||||||||||||| 64%
Aggressive |||||||||| 36%
Orderly |||||||||||||| 54%
Disorderly |||||||||||| 46%
Relaxed |||||||||||||||| 70%
Emotional |||||| 30%
Openminded |||||||||||||||||| 74%
Closeminded |||||| 26%

Here are your results on each dimension:

Extroversion results were very high which suggests you are extremely talkative, optimistic, sociable and affectionate but probably not very reflective.

Friendliness results were moderately high which suggests you are good natured, trusting, and helpful but possibly too much of a follower

Orderliness results were medium which suggests you are moderately organized, reliable, neat, and ambitious.

Emotional Stability results were high which suggests you are very relaxed, calm, secure, unemotional but possibly too unobservant of your feelings.

Openmindedness results were high which suggests you are very intellectual, curious, imaginative but possibly not very practical

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2004-03-02 11:50 (saite)
Nu saulj, johaidi, kur es visas taas bombongas likshu?
Paldies un lai tev jauka diena.

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