klints ([info]klints) rakstīja,
@ 2005-01-05 15:27:00

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Pa ... Pa ... Pa ... bļe Pašol Ti Nahuj.

Vaiii cik skaisti tas izskatās šādā burtu fontā ;)

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un tas, ko es Tev gribu pateikt, nav nekas tāds par ko būtu jābēdājas :)
2005-01-06 11:18 (saite)
Searching for an open door (yes I am)
I'm sinking to rise no more
Something's going off it's course
But I know it's gotta be some kind of angel out there for me

I need an angel (an angel)
I'm calling an angel (answer me)
Send me an angel down (send my angel on down right now, send my angel on down right now)

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