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Fragments no " ****ijas Institūta" izdotas brošūras [28. Aug 2008|12:55]
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During World War II the country was invaded by Nazi Germany, and then afterwards was occupied by the Soviet Union who set up a Communist puppet government. After the fall of European Communism in the 1990s, the country became a dictatorship run by a corrupt government with heavy ties to the Mafia.
The ethnic cuisine is disgusting, and the "tourist attractions" are all boring and overpriced. The ****anîan people in turn are portrayed as being generally rude, dirty, and at times a bit psychotic, with numerous bizarre and illogical beliefs and traditions. (..) The ****anîan language is said to be so complicated it is said to take an average of 16 years to learn, as not only is the tone in which one speaks important to the meaning, but also the pitch with which one speaks. It is a gendered language, with different articles being used depending on whether a noun is masculine, feminine, neutral, or a type of cheese. There are language schools for tourists to attend, which are described as a "waste of time."
The ****anîan national flag, the "****anîan Trikolor", is unique in that it has only two colors.

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Date:28. Augusts 2008 - 23:26
Date:28. Augusts 2008 - 23:48
daži austrāļi gribējuši koena stilā pajokot.
[User Picture]
Date:28. Augusts 2008 - 23:54
Alles klar.
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Date:29. Augusts 2008 - 11:26
Pamēģini šo-
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