L ([info]kbrgs_) rakstīja,
@ 2020-12-15 15:53:00

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Mana laba drauga, lieliska mākslinieka mamma Inese izšuj fantastiskas ainavas, putnus un dzīvniekus. Kā Kaspars pats saka: "I'm the oldest son of Inese, an elderly artist who is rediscovering her artistic passion after suffering from depression and schizophrenia. Now she spends her days in a studio covered with her drawings and memorabilia and carefully embroiders beautiful pictures." Ja nu kāds vēl meklē Xmas dāvaniņas.

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2020-12-18 08:40 (saite)
jā un nē, vai ne? Man šķiet, lieliska terapija. Domāju, kuru lai nopērk! Man baigi daudz kaķu jau ir :D

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