Garastāvoklis: | miegains |
Mūzika: | I LIKE TRAINS - The Hive |
kā man vakar gāja tetovētuvē, jūs jautāsiet?
sēžam ar Tomāšu un šis zīmē man ķirzaku. kaut ko tur dūdlo, es domīgi skatos uz ķirzakas galvu un mēģinu noformulēties, kas tur tieši nav _tā_.
Tomāš: you're not talking to me!
kaķ: I'm thinking, that's why!
Tomāš: oh ok
kaķ: is that allowed?
Tomāš: yes, thinking is good.
stāvu uz pakāpiena, Tomāš ar flomīti apvelk, kur viņam būs jāliek tetovējuma zīmējuma nospiedums
Tomāš: **mumbles**
kaķ: what?
Tomāš: nothing, I said nothing!
kaķ: **aizdomīgi skatās**
Tomāš: well, it does touch some sensitive points...
durstīšanās procesā
(viņiem tur Ellē ir palaista youtube skanēt, kas pati kaut kā tur "similar artists" turpina autoplay)
Tomāš: another romantic song? is this a hint? do I need to buy flowers on my way home?
kaķ: ahahah, wtf
Tomāš: or maybe I will fall in love with a lizard
kaķ: now that would be impractical!
kaķ: **paceļas bik uz rokām**
Tomāš: you ok?
kaķ: yeah, just that was au!
Tomāš: oh yeah, ahaha, those sensitive points. don't worry, I'm done there, moving on to the next (lizard) leg
kaķ: that is not going to be my favourite spot either.
Tomāš: I'm sorry about this one (vēl vienā "sensitive spot")
kaķ: nah, that's fine
Tomāš: good to know, I can go deeper then!
kaķ; O_O
Tomāš: I did tell you there will be some painful spots
kaķ: **apņirdzas** I was just about say that that was au
Tomāš: you're laughing, that's good
Tomāš: **pūš kaut kādu līdzekli virsū** I'm sorry, it will hurt
kaķ: not funny!
Tomāš: to me it is! is it burning yet?
Tomāš: **tīra jauno tetovējumu** what a cutie! **pabaksta blakus** aw, she's so playful! the best looking of your lizards! **pabaksta vēl blakus ķirzakas kājai** ah look, so playful!
kaķ: **dusmīgi** you got the other lizards dirty!
man jākāpj tagad atkal uz pakāpiena, lai Tomāš var nofotkāt un ietīt ķirzaku
Tomāš: don't fall down!
kaķ: as a hiker you'd think I'd be more stable on my feet..
Tomāš: if you fall, yell, so I can get out of your way!
kaķ: haha!
Tomāš: **ar cling film rulli tin man ap kāju** can you spread your legs a bit.. and don't fall!
kaķ: you can have one or the other, not both!
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