Garastāvoklis: | is this work or is this forever? |
Mūzika: | Pulp - Life Must Be So Wonderful |
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Albīts: any reason tracking (red.piez. - Tracking page for data processing progress) looks like this? [screenshot that clearly looks wrong]
Mattie: I can't repro. All clients? Which browser?
Albīts: Chrome.
Mattie: Chrome is the worst browser. [..] Tracking looks fine on chrome for me.
Big Dan: are you using uBlock addon? we have named smartly one of our scripts Tracker.js which some adblockers block.
Albīts: lol, that's it.
Mattie: The name of that .js file sounds completely harmless...
Albīts: call the next one NotMiningBitcoin.js
Big Dan: yup, Malware.js would be better though ;)
Mattie: or StealAllYourData.js
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