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@ 2018-08-01 11:00:00

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Mūzika:Asking Alexandria - Circled By The Wolves

bet parunāsim taču par barčiku, ne?

vakar stāvu pie LSpB durvīm un veipoju savā nodabā, nāk Rāžs, ierauga mani: "What is this? An AA meeting?"

pēc kāda laiciņa Kornels tāds pienāk pie mums ar Rāžu un saka: "We need to get more young people to come here. We need to make this happen! young people from the ages of 18.. and twen... no, not 18, I'd have to ID them, no. From the ages of 20 and 35!"
Rāžs: "It's the music, it scares them away"
*kaķ māj ar galvu, ņirdz*
Kornels: "I know, even some of the recent pensioners think it's a bit outdated."

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