this is a ransom demand ([info]kakjux) rakstīja,
I think it's very personal, our identity. I think I never identified particularly as Latvian, I don't feel I have roots there. probably comes from me being disconnected with my family. I more appreciate all the life I have made for myself here. I started with very little and bit by bit built on it. with help, sometimes without, but I did it. and I am thankful to London for being here, for taking me in, a completely lost, well, a child really, and letting me develop and turn into this person who finally had something to be proud of. and yesterday morning on the tube, I felt that this is being taken away from me and I got really angry.

but I appreciate that other people's identities are different and I respect, or at least try to respect that. just please don't take away who I am from me.

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