Nezāles neiznīkst ([info]jan09) rakstīja,
@ 2021-11-05 11:26:00

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I'm aware of how far I've sunk
And the dog is the first to feel it
There's a shimmer of hope in your eyes
You can't believe it, but you're close to tears
Oh God! I'm sorry for the wasted years

And now you see another me, I've been reloaded,
I'm fired up, don't shut me down
I'm like a dream within a dream that's been decoded
I'm fired up, I'm hot, don't shut me down
I'm not the one you knew, I'm now, and then combined
And I'm asking you to have an open mind
I'm not the same this time around
I'm fired up, don't shut me down

/ABBA - Voyage

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