holandiete ([info]holandiete) rakstīja,
@ 2007-02-08 12:32:00

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"You're young, you're drunk, you're in bed, you have knives; shit happens."quout:;

P.S vakar peec vairaakiem meegjnaajumiem beidzot noskatiijos Kill Bill. Paldies [info]mazii un visiem paareejiem iesaistiitajiem, ar kuriem sjo filmu esmu meejginaajusi skatiities jau apmeeram 3 reizes gan Latvijaa, gan Niiderlandee un vienmeer uzmaniiba no filmas tika noveersta vissavdabiigaakajos veidos.

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2007-02-08 12:58 (saite)
Copperhead: So when do we do this?
The Bride: It all depends on when do you want to die? Tomorrow? The day after tomorrow?
Copperhead: How about tonight, bitch?
The Bride: Splendid, where?

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