Hashz ([info]hashtreck) rakstīja,
@ 2009-01-15 13:15:00

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Race for life
Ukrainā man ļoti patika RETRO FM radiostacija, pa kuru reiz uzķērām dziesmu par to, ka esam uz sacīkšu trases un par to, ka ir jābūt stipram un ir jāuzvar. Noteikti ne ikdienas mūzika, bet tajā brīdī, kad braucām cauri sniegotai Ukrainas naktij uz kalniem, šķita dikten piemērots gabals. :))



We are on the race track
We are on the race track
We are on the race track
We are on the race track

Children born what sweet little angles
Parents get them ready for the track.
Now they're grown-up famous face the world now
When the race starts there's no looking back.

We are on the race track
We are on the race track
We are on the race track
We are on the race track

What a rat race, it will make or break you
People in it take you for a ride.
Get to be tough, get to be a winner
That's the only way you can survive.

We are on the race track
We are on the race track
We are on the race track
We are on the race track

Grandpa Jones sitting in his wheelchain
He droped out the race it was too hard.
Now he's older, they put him aside now
Like an old motor in a junkyard

Gotta move on.

We are on the race track
We are on the race track
We are on the race track
We are on the race track

Race for money
Race for power
Race for freedom
Race for life
Race for courage
Race for knowledge
Race united
Must survive.

You you and you - on the race track too
You you and you - on the race track too
You you and you - on the race track too
You you and you - on the race track too

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2009-01-15 14:01 (saite)

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