Hashz ([info]hashtreck) rakstīja,
@ 2008-04-14 14:17:00

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Mūzika:Júpiter Maçã - Plataforma 6

We recieved information from a source in Lhasa, saying that 300 Drepung monks have been arrested on April 10. Only the elderly and the infirm were left behind.

There was a similar arrest in Sera on the 11th. Our source don't know how many were arrested.

The Chinese are blocking all communication with the outside world. They arrested Tibetan who sent information by the internet.

Our source said that hundreds of monks, including geshes, teachers, are now being beaten mercilessly and killed, their elbows and knees smashed.

The situation in Lhasa is extremely tense. Armed soldiers are seen on every street.
Most streets are empty and the the shops are locked. The Jokhang is empty and the incense was turned off.
Monks and nuns, who were not arrested, are sieged in their monastries without water, food, and gas for cooking. Some have destroyed their wooden bed to supply material for cooking. There are reports about monks commiting suicide.

With great concern
Israeli Friends of the Tibetan People

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2008-04-14 15:19 (saite)
jā, bet vienīgā reālā iespēja ir - tieši TAGAD. pēc olimpiskajām spēlēm ķīnai tiešām būs vienalga, ko rietumi domā, bet pašlaik - viņi vēl ir gatavi kko nebūt darīt minimāli.

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