Month View
Here are the subjects of all posts by user gt in May, 2003.
1:29a | ja gribi būt ģeniāls - izgudro dārza lāpstiņu! - 1 reply |
1:59a | gribu zinat, negribu aizmirst |
2:57a | grūti, ja lietus leņķī līst |
1:32a | weak - 1 reply |
3:16a | (no subject) - 2 replies |
11:53p | (no subject) - 3 replies |
1:54a | eiropa mus atkal nesaprata - 1 reply |
12:59a | [Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<jeb [...] vēsturē>') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.] interesanta vakardiena <jeb citiem vardiem, šī diena vēsturē> - 3 replies |