When Italy was taken over by Barbarians there were still plenty of territories left in the empire from which troops could have been drawn from - the Romans had the capital, the resources and the manpower to do this - what they lacked was the will.
Almost two centuries of near (constant) civil war, food shortages, infrastructure breakdown, blatant corruption, nepotism, feminism and degeneracy had left the citizens of the Roman Empire spiritually exhausted, they had stopped caring about the idea of the Res Publica and they had no vested interested in ensuring the continuation of the Roman state, they had no loyalty left to it, and thus the Western part of the Roman Empire simply ceased to be.
They say history doesn't repeat, but it rhymes, and we're seeing the same disillusionment in Western nation states today. The natives know, either consciously or subconsciously, that the ruling elites don't care about them, that the government is hostile towards them, and that there is nothing inherently German/English/American/etc. about the country they inhabit. Most already don't much care about demographic displacement or the erasure of their culture, they just look where to flee from the unwashed nigger and shitskin hordes.
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