capitalism corporatism
The taxpayer is paying for their own brainwashing, through governments giving these high ESG companies government contracts, tax breaks and granting them licenses and at the same time shutting out their rivals who don't make ads pushing pride or black power or pretend they care about the climate.
Two companies are bidding for a government contract, the first says it will do it cheaper and better because it only employs the best staff and doesn't pretend to give a shit or make hypocritical ads about things not related to it's business. The second makes gay ads about climate change with black people in, pretends it cares, flies gay flags in pride month, has a useless equity department and promotes useless people based on their skin color and sex and because of all this useless waste and promotion of morons the second company is useless and tenders a quote for the contract at double the money that will end up costing even more and never be completed because the people they hire are useless and they are more interested in trans bathrooms in their business than actually working.
The government pays with taxpayers money for the useless ESG company with their brainwashing ads.
You see I never understood the globohomo in capitalist brands and now I get it. First I thought it was madness, then I thought it was paid for by private interests, now I can see it's actually paid for by the taxpayer who are giving handouts and special favors to ESG companies who are in turn brainwashing them and gaslighting them with unwanted, unpopular globohomo bullshit. You don't get a high ESG rating for being a decent company, you get it from pushing the NWO narrative.
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