gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2022-04-29 21:44:00

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In the Glamour interview, Megan Fox’s blood ritual revelations were preceded and followed by a whole lot of Hollywood virtual signaling. Indeed, Fox began by talking about how she was a “feminist icon who fought the patriarchy” and so forth. This generic blabbering set the table for her casually talking about literally DRINKING BLOOD as if it was not COMPLETELY INSANE.

The interview went on to discuss Fox’s son Noah who has been wearing dresses since he was two years old. TWO.

Noah e1651175751170 Megan Fox Openly Admits That She Drinks Blood For "Ritual Purposes"

Fox with her son Noah who is wearing a Frozen dress.

Fox went on to explain that she bought books written by “transgender children” to talk about this stuff to her son.

Megan Fox Openly Admits That She Drinks Blood For "Ritual Purposes"

Megan Fox with her three sons. Noah wears a shirt that says “Strong girls”. 

Hollywood witchery and sons wearing dresses go hand in hand. Ask Madonna.

In Conclusion

Megan Fox literally said that she partakes in blood rituals with her boyfriend who happens to be demonically possessed. What else do you want to know about the entertainment industry? These people are completely sick. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg. In these circles, the blood of children is deemed more potent. But I guess that’s another crazy conspiracy theory.

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