jaunā pavļiku paaudze
Visi te gānās par Putinu un putinismu, kas ir kaut kas tāls un ļauns, bet izliekas neredzam putinismu pie sevis, Rietumu "demokrātijās".
A guy who didn't even enter the Capitol on January 6 could end up serving decades in prison on bogus charges because his teenage son entrapped him, secretly recorded him and ratted him out to the FBI. The son is on Twitter bragging about destroying his father's life.
According to Nicole Reffitt, the wife of Guy Reffitt and mother to Jackson Reffitt:
“Jackson recorded his family home for 8 days following his Dad’s return from DC, and many of the recordings were Jackson provoking his dad into debate, and out and out purposely provoking his dad…all at the behest of the FBI.”
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