gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2016-10-05 19:43:00

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Today the press and politicians cry bitterly because yesterday the German leaders were target of peaceful, verbal ("go away") protests. Demonstrating against your betters is now "anti-democratic" and creates a need for re-education (Germany's biggest tabloid, owned by a good friend of Merkel, called the protests a "disgrace"). An eager journalists went so far and declared whistles, a staple of every leftist and union demonstration, to be a "forbidden weapon*" and invented a new requirement for demonstrations: they have to be respectful, constructive and communicative. The green vice president of the German parliament, a (former) staunch opponent of the re-unifiction and Germany's existence as a state, attended the re-unification festivities and tried to confront some protestors by telling them "Lord, please give them a brain" and then complained that she was told to fuck off.

Needless to say that the politicians who complain about those peaceful protests don't bat an eye when leftists torch the cars, offices and even physically assault AfD politicians and even justify the violence.

* the ongoing discussion about the whistles promted the local police to issue a press release explaining that "whistles aren't forbidden, neither by law nor by local provisions".

So united. Much progress. Wow!

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