Īstais iemesls kāpēc UK atcēla kovidsovoku (pretēji Extranjero pļāpām par brekša efektu vai NHS viedumu lol). Jo elites labi zina, ka kovids ir sūds uz kociņa.
Didn't you get the memo, England is basically restriction free thanks to Boris throwing parties everyday the lockdown was on and everyone realizing the whole thing is a joke. The latest news was Boris had a birthday party with a cake during lockdown (this is the about the 100th party the government threw in lockdown) But it was a "work event," for the government "stressed," from "battling covid," and of course Boris didn't know the rules, even though he told everyone what they were an hour before. This all the while his ministers were taking turns on his kids swing and slide in the back yard of Number 10...
Thank God for Boris being a mad elite Eton looney and thinking he can get away with anything and thank God for whoever leaked this. Because now it's impossible to lockdown England or mandate anything, when they were drunk and partying everyday during the "first wave," in Downing street. They had access to all the data and thought it was a joke and were not scared, so now it's impossible for them to place restrictions on the public.
The funny thing is though the media want to sell this as a scandal and a reason to kill off Boris, many people I talk to like him MORE now.
To be honest I think he did the right thing to party all the time and people were stupid to give away their freedom. It's not his fault they are brainwashed sheep who take orders and he did the right thing in taking the piss out of them.
The alternative to Boris is people who will actually pretend to take this Scamdemic seriously and impose worse restrictions, there is no alternative that will lift any regulations sooner. And now because of the party "scandal," we are in England back to doing anything we want. God bless Boris and his parties and proving that covid was always a nothingburger.
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