clusterfuck būtu maigi teikts, bet smieklīgi gan
Family had a big party in the UK recently. I didn't go. They all got Covid and all of them had x2 shots + the booster. One of them has had Covid 4 times since getting the booster. One family member told everyone that they've been vaxxed when (you know where I'm going here) they're unvaxxed and...they didn't get Covid.
I'm just keeping an open mind throughout all of this. But the evidence currently supports the vaccine as being a total mistake. I hope things are ok for all of the people that have taken it. But it's been a clusterfuck from the start.
I remember them saying that there was never going to be such a thing as natural immunity. Now they're talking about natural immunity (before or after you catch Covid) and how it compares to people that have been vaxxed 3 times. That in itself is a big deal.
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