žas esejas par mūsu uzspiestās 'tolerances' kultūras sekām no tā paša autora, kas par military intelligence mūziku. Diezgan skaidrs, ka tolerances kultūrai aiz muguras ir Moloha ēna.
Nu un paldies tautu ienaidniekiem (tiešām).
Also noted is the kid-gloves treatment afforded Michael Jackson when he was charged with molestation: “even though the accusations against him are widely believed to be true, [they] are merely passed off with a laugh among other smirking monologue jokes on Jay Leno.” And of course, though unmentioned by Sterling, sister LaToya was ridiculed by the media when she came forward with stories about the sexual abuse suffered by the Jackson kids at the hands of their father.
Sterling references other cases as well, including the over-hyped au-pair trial in which evidence of prior abuse of the child by his parents was consistently ignored, and the Susan Smith case, in which the media refused to consider whether her own severe childhood abuse could have been a factor in the murder of her children, despite the fact that her father admitted to the chronic abuse.
Coupled with the fact that the press have consistently downplayed the occurrence of child molestation is the equally disturbing fact that that very same media have actively promoted the sexualization of children – a trend that has been greatly accelerated in recent years, and which serves to legitimize pedophilia.
Mediji ķer seksuālas uzmākšanās tēmas tikai tad, ja tas kaut kā palīdz viņu saimnieku politiskajām interesēm.
btw, no šī teksta pieminēšana par Latvijas pedo skandālu man tikai tagad atausa par to miglaina atmiņa. Atceros, ka viens no figurantiem bija Birkavs, kurš vēl pēc tam aiz protesta sāka bada streiku. Kas tur bija tas "komiju spiegs"? Laikam atkal Ādamsons. Būtu interesanti palasīt par šo kādu arhīvu. Kādam nav labas saites?
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