kādam te pietrūkst kritiskās rasu teorijas pāraudzināšanas kursi Denmark keeps delivering: Welfare state immigrants now FORCED to work Mohammed is not amused. Welfare in Denmark will now be preconditioned on people working at least 37 hours a week. If they do not find work in the private sector, they will drafted for public work, like picking up trash in parks.
I love Denmark so much. They are even more based than Austria and are pretty much doing what I would do if I were in charge. "Workfare" for the parasitic Muslim immigrant scum being one of said ideas.
Of course this means Muslims will continue to leave Denmark.. to go to Germany. They will just apply for asylum here (due to the inhumanity of being forced to work in Denmark) with a new name and without any papers - something perfectly possible and in fact the norm in Germany - and immigrante into the German welfare state instead.
But one has to say, Germany deserves this for having such "asylum" policies which do not require you to prove actual persecution, or even just your fucking identity! Turning our "right to asylum" into a de facto "right to immigrate into the welfare state".